Amazon Single Node

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After creating an amazon account (, you can start a machine on Amazon using the GotCloud AMI.

The GotCloud AMI contains:

  1. GotCloud
  2. Reference Files
  3. Demo, see GotCloud: Amazon Demo for instructions on running the demo.

Starting the GotCloud AMI

  1. Go to the EC2 Dashboard:
    1. If it is not already selected, select N. Virginia from the dropdown menu in the upper right hand corner of the dashboard.
      • The GotCloud AMI is currently only in the US East (N. Virginia) region, so be sure you are set to that.
    2. Select the Launch Instance button on the dashboard
  2. Select the GotCloud AMI
    1. Select Community AMIs from the left menu
    2. Type gotcloud (enter) in the search menu in order to see the GotCloud AMIs
    3. Click the Select button on the most recent GotCloud AMI
    LaunchAMI 1.png
  3. Choose an Instance Type
    1. Select the Instance Type that you would like to run
      • For the Demo, we suggest c3.2xlarge
    2. Click the Review and Launch button
      • Optionally you can select Next:Configure Instance Details to additional steps
  4. Review Instance Launch
    1. Make any updates you would like
      • You can increase the default storage volume or add additional volumes by selecting Edit storage
    2. When everything is as you like, click the Launch button