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| <code>CigarRoller::CigarRoller()</code>
| <code>CigarRoller::CigarRoller()</code>
| Default constructor initializes as a CIGAR with no operations.
| Default constructor initializes as a CIGAR with no operations.
| <code>CigarRoller::CigarRoller(const char *cigarString)</code>
| Constructor that initializes the object with the specified cigarString.
| <code>CigarRoller & CigarRoller::operator += (CigarRoller &rhs)</code>
| Add the contents of the specified CigarRoller to this object.
| <code>CigarRoller & CigarRoller::operator += (CigarOperator &rhs)</code>
| Append the specified cigar operation to this object.
| <code>void CigarRoller::Add(Operation operation, int count)</code>
| Adds the specified operation with the specified count to this object.
| <code>void CigarRoller::Add(const char *cigarString)</code>
| Adds the specified cigarString to this object.
| <code>void CigarRoller::Set(const char *cigarString)</code>
| Sets this object to the specified cigarString.
| ''' DEPRECATED''' <code>int CigarRoller::getMatchPositionOffset()</code>
| <code>const char * CigarRoller::getString()</code>
| REturns the string representation of this CIGAR object.
| <code>void CigarRoller::getExpandedString(std::string &s)</code>
| Sets the specified string to a string of characters that represent this cigar with no digits (a CIGAR of "3M" would return "MMM")
| <code>void CigarRoller::clear()</code>
| Clear this object so that it has 0 Cigar Operations.
| <code>CigarOperator & CigarRoller::operator [] (int i)</code>
| Return the Cigar Operation at the specified index (starting at 0).
| <code>bool CigarRoller::operator == (CigarRoller &rhs)</code>
| Returns true if two Cigar Rollers are the same (the same operations of the same sizes)
| <code>int CigarRoller::size()</code>
| Return the number of cigar operations in this object.
| <code>void CigarRoller::Dump()</code>
| Write this object as a string to cout.
| <code>int CigarRoller::getExpectedQueryBaseCount()</code>
| Returns the expected read length
| <code>int CigarRoller::getExpectedReferenceBaseCount()</code>
| Return how many bases in the reference are spanned by the given CIGAR string
| <code>int32_t CigarRoller::getRefOffset(int32_t queryIndex)</code>
|Return the reference offset associated with the specified query index based on this cigar.
| <code>int32_t CigarRoller::getQueryIndex(int32_t refOffset)</code>
| Return the query index associated with the specified reference offset based on this cigar.
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| <code> std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &stream, const CigarRoller& roller)</code>
| <code> std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &stream, const CigarRoller& roller)</code>
| Writes all of the cigar operations contained in this roller to the passed in stream.
| Writes all of the cigar operations contained in this roller to the passed in stream.
| <code> std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &stream, const CigarRoller::CigarOperator& o)</code>
| Writes the specified cigar operation to the specified stream as <count><char> (3M).

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