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  • Advantages
    • Single step through the code
    • Stop execution at a given point to investigate where it goes and what the values are
    • Attach to an already running program
  • Disadvantages
    • Not running real-time, so may not expose all problems


How to Compile for Debug

Compile with the option: -ggdb -O0

For programs using libStatGen, you can compile with: make debug, which will generate a debug executable in bin/debug/

How to Start DDD

On a linux command line, type: ddd pathToYourDebugExecutable/yourExecutable &

Do not specify command line options at this point. That will be done later when you type "run"

How to Use DDD

ddd Screenshot

Debugging Tools

  • Run: start the program with the previously specified options
  • Interrupt: stop the program from running
  • Step: Go into the function call (or go to next line of code)
  • Next: Go over a function call (execute it, but do not step into it)
  • Finish: Continue execution until the end of the current method
  • Cont: Continue execution until the next breakpoint or the end of the program is reached.
  • Kill: stop the program from running.

Basic Usage

Bring up a file in the viewer
  • At the gdb prompt:
    l <filename>:<line#>
    -or -
    l <class>::<method>


l SamRecord.cpp:1
l SamRecord::getCigar
Set a breakpoint
  • Use mouse right-click on the line number
    Set Breakpoint (can set properties – break after hit X number of times, etc)
  • At the gdd prompt:
    b <class>::<method>
Attach to already running process
  • On the Menu Bar:
    File->Attach to Process
Run with options
  • At the gdb prompt run your program with options, replacing your executable name with "run":
    run <options>
Backtrace (see where you are in execution, look up/down the call stack)
  • On the Menu Bar:
See a variable's value
  • Right click the variable in the source code window and click “Print” (or to keep it tracked, click “Display”)
  • At the gdb prompt:
    p <variable>
  • To Print in hex, At the gdb prompt:
    p/x <variable>

Segmentation Faults

If you get a segmentation fault when running your code, you can tell it to generate a core dump and look at that with DDD.

  • Run/generate the core dump using the debug executable - as this is easiest to look at in DDD.
    • Prior to running, enable core dumps in the shell/terminal where you are running:
      • BASH/sh:
        ulimit -c unlimited
      • csh/tcsh:
        limit core unlimited
      • You will need to do this in each new terminal.
      • When you hit a segmentation fault, it will generate a "core" file.
  • Load the core file in DDD.
ddd path/to/bin/debug/exe /path/to/core&
    • specifying the path to the debug executable that was run & the path to the generated core file
    • Use backtrace to see where the problem occurred.

Other Testing Advice

  • Reduce test size from one that takes hours to one that is much quicker.
    • Reduce file sizes
    • Turn off unnecessary sections
  • Output intermediate files
    • For validation
    • To pick up where left off
  • Output informative information to a file
  • Write a set of automated tests
    • Test many different cases
    • Re-run each time the library/code changes
    • When you find a bug, write a test that exposes the bug (fails), fix the bug, rerun the test (succeeds)
      • Ensures bugs do not reappear