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=== User-supplied LD ===
=== User-supplied LD ===
LocusZoom by default automatically computes LD between the reference SNP and all other SNPs within each region to be plotted. However, in some instances, you may wish to provide your own file with LD information. This can be done with the <code>--ld</code> option, which requires a file of the following format:
If new_fugue is installed, LocusZoom will automatically compute LD between the reference SNP and all other SNPs within each region to be plotted. However, in some instances, you may wish to provide your own file with LD information. This can be done with the <code>--ld</code> option, which requires a file of the following format:

Revision as of 10:17, 26 May 2010


This page contains information regarding a version of LocusZoom that may be downloaded for personal use. For more information on LocusZoom, see this page.


The following software is required:

Currently only Unix/Linux is supported, though Mac OS X should be supported in a future release.

Support for Windows may come at a much later date.


First, change directory into examples/. Then, run the following command:


This script runs the following command for you:

../bin/locuszoom --metal Kathiresan_2009_HDL.txt --refgene FADS1

A PDF plot of the FADS1 locus will be created in the directory. It should look roughly like this:

FADS1 small.png

Voila, your first region plot!


Step 1: Install Python

You will need to install Python on your system if it is not already. Head over to www.python.org to download it. Note that you will want to make sure to download the latest from the 2.x branch, and not the 3.0 one.

Step 2: Install R

R is also required for generating the plots. You can download R at www.r-project.org. Version 2.10 or greater is required.

Step 3: Install new_fugue

New_fugue is a program that calculates linkage disequilibrium measures from genotype files. While installing new_fugue is optional, we highly recommend it as it makes the process of generating plots much easier. If you opt to skip installing new_fugue, you will need to provide your own computed LD files for each region that you want to plot.

New_fugue can be downloaded from here.

Once downloaded, extract the tar file using:

 tar zxf /path/to/new_fugue.tar.gz

Change into the generic-new_fugue directory that is created, and run:

 make install 

Step 4: Install LocusZoom

LocusZoom is provided as a tar archive which contains the following:

  • the LocusZoom python application
  • the R script used for generating plots
  • genotype files (used for computing LD) from hapmap and 1000G (build hg18 only)
  • a SQLite database file containing tables describing SNP positions, SNP annotations, gene and exon locations, and recombination rates (build hg18 only)

Simply unpack the tar to your directory of choice by doing the following:

cd <directory where you want to place locuszoom> 
tar zxf /path/to/locuszoom.tgz 

The tar archive will extract into the following directory structure:

  • locuszoom/
    • bin/
      • locuszoom (this is the locuszoom "executable")
      • locuszoom.R (the R script which is used by locuszoom for creating the plots)
    • conf/ (configuration file located here)
    • data/
      • database/ (SQLite file located here)
      • hapmap/ (hapmap genotype files)
      • 1000G/ (1000G genotype files)
    • src/ (source code for locuszoom)

It is important that this directory structure remain intact. To make launching locusoom easier, you could create a link to it from /usr/local/bin, for example:

ln -s bin/locuszoom /usr/local/bin/locuszoom


Association results file ("metal" file)

The main input to LocusZoom is a file containing results from an association scan or meta-analysis. The file must have 2 things: markers (SNPs), and p-values. The file should look something like this:

MarkerName P-value
rs1 0.423
rs2 1.23e-04
rs3 9.4e-390

The file should be tab-delimited, though this can be changed using the --delim option.

This file should be passed to locuszoom using the --metal option.

If your marker and p-value column names are not "MarkerName" and "P-value", you may set them with --markercol and --pvalcol options.

P-values of any magnitude are supported in scientific notation (we use an arbitrary precision library built-in to python, and transform p-values to the log scale.) If you've already transformed your p-values to the log scale, simply use --no-transform and LocusZoom will not transform them.


You can specify the region to plot in any one of the following ways:

  • A reference SNP and flanking region
 --refsnp <your snp> --flank 500kb 
  • A reference SNP and chromosome/start/stop specification
 --refsnp <your snp> --chr # --start <base position> --end <base position> 
  • A gene and flanking region
 --refgene <your gene> --flank 250kb 

The flank is computed as +/- from the transcription start/end of the gene. From this region, LocusZoom will find the SNP with the most significant p-value, and use this as the reference SNP.

  • A gene and chromosome/start/stop specification
 --refgene <your gene> --chr # --start <base position> --end <base position> 

This method is similar to the above, except that an exact region is specified. The SNP with the most significant p-value in this region will be used.

  • A chromosome/start/stop specification
 --chr # --start <base position> --end <base position> 

Once again, the SNP with the most significant p-value will be used in this region.

Batch mode

LocusZoom provides two fast methods for generating plots for a large number of regions:

  • --hits , which parses a file for SNP names (rs#) and creates a plot for each one.
  • --hitspec , which reads a batch mode specification file.

To use --hits, you need only provide any text file that has SNP names (of the rs### variety) present in the file. LocusZoom will extract SNPs from this file, regardless of formatting. Note that this file shouldn't be very large, or the parsing procedure could take a long time.

For a more thorough specification of each plot you would like to create, use --hitspec. For this option, you must provide a text file of the following format:

Column Description
snp Can be either a SNP, or gene.
chr Chromosome
start Start position to plot.
stop Stop position.
flank Flank for region. Can be given instead of chr/start/stop.
run Should this row be read? Should be "yes" or "no".
m2zargs List of arguments for customizing plots. You can find a list of them here: Commonly Used LocusZoom Options

The file should be delimited by whitespace (tab, space, multiple spaces), and the header must exist, with column names exactly as specified in the table above. As an example, consider the following file:

snp chr start stop flank run m2zargs
rs7983146 NA NA NA 500kb yes title="My favorite SNP"
TCF7L2 NA NA NA 1.25MB yes title="TCF7L2 Region" showRecomb=F
rs7957197 12 119503590 120322280 NA yes showAnnot=F

The first row would plot rs7983146 as the reference SNP, and a region of 500kb on either side of it. The plot title would read "My favorite SNP."

The second row would plot 1.25 MB on either side of TCF7L2's transcription start and stop. The SNP with the most significant p-value in your --metal file will be used as the reference SNP. The plot title would read "TCF7L2 Region", and the recombination overlay would be disabled using showRecomb=F.

The third row would plot rs7957197 as the reference SNP, but here we've specifically designated the region to plot, which is chr12:119503590-120322280. We've also disabled showing SNP annotations with showAnnot=F.

User-supplied LD

If new_fugue is installed, LocusZoom will automatically compute LD between the reference SNP and all other SNPs within each region to be plotted. However, in some instances, you may wish to provide your own file with LD information. This can be done with the --ld option, which requires a file of the following format:

Column Description
snp1 Any SNP in your plotting region.
snp2 Should always be the reference SNP in the region.
dprime D' between snp2 (reference SNP) and snp1.
rsquare r2 between snp2 (reference SNP) and snp1.

The file should be whitespace delimited, and the header (column names shown above) must exist.


LocusZoom will produce a directory for each plot that contains the plot itself, along with a number of temporary files containing information on your particular region. The plot will be a PDF, named with the chr#:start-stop that was plotted.

If you only want the PDF itself, and don't want the other files, you can use the --plotonly option.

Each directory (or PDF, in the case of --plotonly) will have the date included to avoid collisions with previous plots - this behavior can be disabled using --no-date.

You can further customize the directory/PDF names that are created by using the --prefix <name> option. This will append a text string at the beginning of each directory/PDF that is created.


LocusZoom has a number of command line options, described in the table below.

Option Description
Important settings
--metal This is the data file to provide. Files generated by the meta-analysis program METAL are already formatted appropriately. If your data is not from METAL, it is very simple to format it (see #Input.)
--delim Delimiter for the data file. This defaults to tab, but can be anything. For ease of specification, you can use the following shortcuts: --delim tab, --delim space, --delim comma.
--pvalcol Name of p-value column in the --metal file.
--markercol Name of the SNP column in the --metal file.
--refsnp Reference SNP to be used in the plot.
--refgene Specify a gene instead of a reference SNP. This will plot a region near a gene, and automatically find the SNP with the most significant p-value to use as the reference SNP.
--flank Specify the region near a reference SNP or gene as a "flank", instead of having to specify chr/start/stop explicitly. This can be specified in bases, kilobases, or megabases. Examples: 500kb, 1MB, 100141
--chr, --start, --stop Specify chromosome/start/stop as the exact interval to plot. If no --refsnp is specified, the SNP with the most significant p-value in the region will be used as the reference SNP.
Optional settings
--build Human genome build. This defaults to "hg18", and is the only build we provide data for currently. You can supply your own build-specific data by modifying the conf file, and creating your own SQLite database (see *LINK HERE*).
--ld Provide a file specifying LD between your reference SNP and all SNPs within the region you wish to plot. You only need to supply this file if you have created LD specifically for your purposes (perhaps a different population or genome build.) Otherwise, LD is computed automatically for you.
--source Source to use for genotypes when using LD. Currently, we support "1000G" and "hapmap".
--pop Population to use when computing LD. Currently, when we support "CEU" for 1000G, and "CEU", "YRI", and "JPT+CHB" for hapmap.
--snpset Rug of SNPs to create at the top of the plot. Defaults to the Illumina 1M chip currently.
--plotonly Create only a PDF of the plot, and remove all temporary files/directories created during plotting.
--no-transform LocusZoom supports arbitrary precision p-values. However, if your p-values have already been transformed to the log scale, you can use this option to stop LocusZoom from automatically transforming them.
--prefix Places a text string at the beginning of each plot or directory created. This is mainly used to denote different batches of plots - for example, you could use --prefix using_ceu to denote these plots are computed using CEU LD information.
--db SQLite database file to use. This is set in the conf file by default, but can be changed on the command line if desired.


A quick peek at a particular SNP

--metal your_data --refsnp rs1002227

A quick peek at a particular gene

--metal your_data --refgene CETP

Plot 500kb on either side of a SNP

--metal your_data --refsnp rs7983146 --flank 500kb

Create a plot for each SNP in a file

--metal your_data --hits file_with_snps

Use 1000 genomes, CEU for LD instead of the default

--metal your_data --refsnp rs11899863 --source 1000G

Use hapmap YRI for LD

--metal your_data --refsnp rs11899863 --pop CEU

Advanced configuration

Creating a SQLite database

As a starting point, we provide a SQLite database with the following tables:

  • snp_pos: SNP positions
  • refFlat: gene information (exons, transcription start/stops, etc.)
  • recomb_rate: recombination rates from hapmap phase 2
  • snp_set: maps each SNP to a "set" - for example, all SNPs on the Illumina 1M chip
  • refsnp_trans: a table that maps SNPs from previous builds to the current build

This database is anchored to the UCSC hg18 build of the human genome.

To create your own database, we provide a script bin/dbmeister.py that can insert these tables for you. We recommend creating your own database file, rather than inserting tables into the default LocusZoom database. This script is capable of using python's built-in sqlite support, but for faster insertion of tables (about 2x faster), we recommend installing sqlite3 from www.sqlite.org.

Inserting snp_pos

First, create a file that looks like the following:

snp chr pos
rs38343 1 93919141
rs918141 7 763263
chr4:9181 4 9181

The file should be: tab-delimited, must have a header, and the columns should be exactly in that order.

Now, you can create your own database, and insert this file by using:

 dbmeister.py --db my_database.db --snp_pos my_snp_pos_file 

This command creates a database called "my_database.db" and inserts the SNP position table into it. If "my_database.db" had existed already, it would drop the snp_pos table in it, and insert yours in its place.

One special note about adding SNP position tables: a refsnp_trans table will automatically be created for you, where each SNP maps to itself. If you have a list of SNPs from previous builds that you would like to map to a SNP in the current build, you can then insert your own refsnp_trans table (see below for more information on this table.)

Inserting refsnp_trans

The refsnp_trans table looks like the following:

rs_orig rs_current
rs840 rs715
rs1086 rs940
rs1234 rs1067

The first column contains SNP names from older genome builds, and the rs_current column contains SNP names from the current genome build (i.e., the build your database file is anchored to.)

Inserting this table into your database is simply then:

 dbmeister.py --db my_database.db --trans my_snp_translations_file 

You will want to execute this command AFTER inserting the snp_pos table, since that command drops the existing translation table.

Inserting refFlat

The refFlat table mirrors what is currently supplied by the refFlat table in the UCSC database. The file should look like:

geneName name chrom strand txStart txEnd cdsStart cdsEnd exonCount exonStarts exonEnds
EFCAB1 NM_024593 chr8 - 49798505 49810423 49799853 49810263 6 49798505, 49799913,
HECTD3 NM_024602 chr1 - 45240806 45249614 45241750 45249516 21 45240806,45241927, 45241835,45241999,
PTPN20B NM_001042361 chr10 - 48357047 48447587 48358657 48447532 8 48357047,48359393,48391320, 48358692,48359456,48391411,

You can insert this table into the database using:

 dbmeister.py --db my_database.db --refflat my_refflat_file 

Inserting recomb_rate

The recomb_rate table mirrors what is available from HapMap. The format is:

chr pos recomb cm_pos
1 72434 0.0015 0
1 78032 0.0015 8.397e-06
1 554461 0.0015 0.00072304
1 554484 0.0015 0.000723075
1 555296 0.0015 0.000724293
1 558185 0.0015 0.000728627

The table can be inserted using:

 dbmeister.py --db my_database.db --recomb_rate my_recomb_rate_file 

Inserting snp_set

The snp_set table simply carries a mapping of SNPs to a particular set they may belong to. The table looks like:

snp snp_set
rs1000 Illu1M
rs1000 Illu1M
rs1000 Illu1M
rs1000000 Illu1M
rs10000000 Illu1M
rs10000009 Illu1M

The first column is a SNP, and the second is the name of the set it belongs to. If a SNP belongs to multiple sets, you can duplicate that SNP multiple times, one for each set.

Inserting the table into your database can be done using:

 dbmeister.py --db my_database.db --snp_set my_snpset_file 

Making LocusZoom aware of your new database

Now that you've created your own database file, you need to make LocusZoom aware that it exists. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Edit conf/m2zfast.conf, and change the SQLITE_DB variable
  2. Supply the --db command line option when invoking bin/locuszoom

Editing the m2zfast.conf file entails changing the following block of code:

  'hg18' : "data/database/locuszoom_hg18.db"

Here, we've mapped build "hg18" to the default database file that comes with LocusZoom. You can mimic this format and insert your own, for example:

  'hg18' : "data/database/locuszoom_hg18.db",
  'hg19' : "data/database/my_database.db"

The location of your database should be either an absolute path to your file, or a path relative to the locuszoom/ root (like those seen above.)

If you wish for your database to become the default, change the LATEST_BUILD variable in the m2zfast.conf file to whatever you have chosen above (in our example, our new database became mapped to 'hg19'.)

Changing m2zfast.conf settings

The m2zfast.conf configuration file contains a number of settings that are typically static, but could require user configuration. The table below lists each variable, and its purpose.

Variable Description
LATEST_BUILD Latest build (i.e. the default build.) This is used to index SQLITE_DB, as well as LD_DB.
NEWFUGUE_PATH Path to the new_fugue binary. Defaults to "new_fugue", which simply means it is searched for on your path. If new_fugue is not on your path, you will need to specify the full path here.
OFFLINE For the standalone version of LocusZoom, this should always be True.
SQLITE_DB See Making LocusZoom aware of your database.
LD_DB Contains a "tree" which maps a tuple of (genotype source, genotype population, genome build) to genotype files.
DEFAULT_SNP_FLANK If only a --refsnp is given with no --flank, this variable sets the default flank that is used.
DEFAULT_GENE_FLANK If only a --refgene is given with no --flank, this variable sets the default flank that is used.

LD caching

LocusZoom attempts to remember LD calculations that were made on previous runs of the program to avoid having to re-calculate the same regional LD for subsequent runs. The process works as follows:

  • For a given reference SNP and chr/start/stop:
    • If LD has not been previously computed, use new_fugue to compute LD with the reference SNP and all other SNPs in the region, and store this result to the LD cache
    • Else, retrieve the previously stored LD results

The cache intelligently stores LD from separate sources (hapmap, 1000G), populations, builds, and even different versions of genotype files separately.

Upon running LocusZoom, a file called "ld_cache.db" will automatically be created in the current directory, and LD computations will be stored there. If you wish to change the location of the LD cache, use --cache <file>. If you wish to disable LD caching, you can use --cache None.

Python note: The ld_cache.db is actually a shelve, and you can explore its contents using:

import shelve
d = shelve.open("ld_cache.db")
