Releasing GotCloud

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Revision as of 18:28, 25 February 2015 by Mktrost (talk | contribs)
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Software for GotCloud is kept in a git repository on github.

We also create a Debian package and tar file for GotCloud.

To release a new version of GotCloud:

  1. I recommend creating a new directory:
    cd ~/dev
    git clone git://
    cd gotcloud
  2. Build the source
    cd src
  3. Run the tests, ensure they all succeed
    ./gotcloud align --test testDir
    ./gotcloud snpcall --test testDir
    ./gotcloud ldrefine --test testDir
    ./gotcloud indel --test testDir
  4. Update the version number (if you have not already).
    • Edit release_version.txt
    • Commit the new release number
      git add release_version.txt
      git commit -m "Release 1.XX"
    • Push to github
      git push
  5. Checkout latest branch and merge master & push
    git checkout latest
    git merge master
    git checkout master
    git push
  6. Create a release tag
    git tag -a gotcloud.1.XX -m 'version 1.XX'
  7. Push tag
    git push origin gotcloud.1.XX
  8. Create the packages (debian and tar)
    • cd to one directory above gotcloud
      cd ..
    • Generate the packages & copy to (all done for you by the script)
    • at prompt, enter:
  9. Generate the release notes on github
    On github, login
    Goto Tags, Select "Draft New Release"
  10. Update wiki release documentation
  11. Send Email to google group
  12. Install on mario
  13. Send email to csg group to inform them of the newly installed version on the cluster and of any relevant changes