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  wc -l $OUT/bam.index
  wc -l $OUT/bam.index
Your expected output should be similar to this.
Your expected output is similar to this.
  62 /net/seqshop-server/hmkang/out/bam.index
  62 /net/seqshop-server/hmkang/out/bam.index

Revision as of 01:17, 18 June 2014

(WARNING: Under Construction)

Goals of This Session

  • What we want to learn is calling large deletions using GenomeSTRiP implemented in GotCloud pipeline
    • How to prepare metadata for running GenomeSTRiP.
    • How to perform variant discovery and filtering for large deletions
    • How to perform genotyping for large deletions
    • How to perform variant discovery and filtering from third party sites.

Login to the seqshop-server Linux Machine

This section will appear redundantly in each session. If you are already logged in or know how to log in to the server, please skip this section

  1. Login to the windows machine
    • The username/password for the Windows machine should be written on the right-hand monitor
  2. Start xming so you can open external windows on our Linux machine
    • Start->Enter "Xming" in the search and select "Xming" from the program list
    • Nothing will happen, but Xming was started.
    • View Screenshot
    • Xming.png

  3. Open putty
    • Start->Enter "putty" in the search and select "PuTTY" from the program list
    • View Screenshot
    • PuttyS.png

  4. Configure PuTTY in the PuTTY Configuration window
    • Host Name: seqshop-server.sph.umich.edu
    • View Screenshot
    • Seqshop.png

    • Setup to allow you to open external windows:
      • In the left pannel: Connection->SSH->X11
        • Add a check mark in the box next to Enable X11 forwarding
        • View Screenshot
        • SeqshopX11.png

    • Click Open
    • If it prompts about a key, click OK
  5. Enter your provided username & password as provided

You should now be logged into a terminal on the seqshop-server and be able to access the test files.

  • If you need another terminal, repeat from step 3.

Login to the seqshop Machine

So you can each run multiple jobs at once, we will have you run on 4 different machines within our seqshop setup.

  • You can only access these machines after logging onto seqshop-server

3 users logon to:

ssh -X seqshop1

3 users logon to:

ssh -X seqshop2

2 users logon to:

ssh -X seqshop3

2 users logon to:

ssh -X seqshop4

Setup your run environment

This is a slightly different setup from what you did for the previous tutorial, but you need to redo it each time you log in. It will setup some environment variables to point you to:

  • GotCloud program
  • Tutorial input files
  • Setup an output directory
    • It will leave your output directory from the previous tutorial in tact.
source /home/hmkang/seqshop/setup.txt
  • You won't see any output after running source
    • It silently sets up your environment
    • If you want to view the detail of the set up, type
less /home/hmkang/seqshop/setup.txt

and press 'q' to finish.

View setup.txt

export GC=/home/hmkang/seqshop/gotcloud
export IN=/home/hmkang/seqshop/inputs
export REF=/home/hmkang/seqshop/reference/chr22
export VTREF=/home/hmkang/seqshop/reference/vtRef
export SV=/home/hmkang/seqshop/reference/svtoolkit
export EXT=/home/hmkang/seqshop/external
export OUT=~/out
mkdir -p ${OUT}

Do you notice what the differences were?

Examining GotCloud/GenomeSTRiP Input files

Sequnce Alignment Files: BAM Files and Index Files

The GotCloud Indel caller takes the same inputs as GotCloud snpcall.

  • BAMs->SVs rather than BAMs->SNPs

If you want a reminder, of what they look like, here is a link to the previous tutorial : GotCloud SnpCall Input Files

If you want to check if you still have the bam index file, run

head $OUT/bam.index
  • View Results
  • HG00641	ALL	/net/seqshop-server/hmkang/out/bams/HG00641.recal.bam
    HG00640	ALL	/net/seqshop-server/hmkang/out/bams/HG00640.recal.bam
    HG00551	ALL	/net/seqshop-server/hmkang/out/bams/HG00551.recal.bam
    HG00553	ALL	/net/seqshop-server/hmkang/out/bams/HG00553.recal.bam
    HG00554	ALL	bams/HG00554.recal.bam
    HG00637	ALL	bams/HG00637.recal.bam
    HG00638	ALL	bams/HG00638.recal.bam
    HG00734	ALL	bams/HG00734.recal.bam
    HG00736	ALL	bams/HG00736.recal.bam
    HG00737	ALL	bams/HG00737.recal.bam 

Also, make sure that you have only 62 samples (you did not append new files twice)

wc -l $OUT/bam.index

Your expected output is similar to this.

62 /net/seqshop-server/hmkang/out/bam.index

Reference Files

Reference files can be downloaded with GotCloud or from other sources.

Similar to SNP and Indel calling, you need

  1. Reference genome FASTA file

For running GenomeSTRiP, you additionally need:

  1. Masked FASTA file to exclude hard-to-align regions
  2. PloidyMap file indicating the regions of genomes with unusual ploidy (e.g. chrX, chrY)

We looked at them yesterday, but you can take another look at the chromosome 22 reference files included for this tutorial:

ls $REF
  • View Results
  • 1000G_omni2.5.b37.sites.PASS.chr22.vcf.gz             hapmap_3.3.b37.sites.chr22.vcf.gz.tbi  human.g1k.v37.chr22.fa.bwt
    1000G_omni2.5.b37.sites.PASS.chr22.vcf.gz.tbi         human.g1k.v37.chr22-bs.umfa            human.g1k.v37.chr22.fa.fai
    1kg.pilot_release.merged.indels.sites.hg19.chr22.vcf  human.g1k.v37.chr22.dict               human.g1k.v37.chr22.fa.pac
    dbsnp_135.b37.chr22.vcf.gz                            human.g1k.v37.chr22.fa                 human.g1k.v37.chr22.fa.sa
    dbsnp_135.b37.chr22.vcf.gz.tbi                        human.g1k.v37.chr22.fa.amb             human.g1k.v37.chr22.winsize100.gc
    hapmap_3.3.b37.sites.chr22.vcf.gz                     human.g1k.v37.chr22.fa.ann

Additional reference and parameters

ls $SV/ref
  • View Results
  • human_g1k_v37.chr22.mask.100.fasta  human_g1k_v37.chr22.mask.100.fasta.dict  human_g1k_v37.chr22.mask.100.fasta.fai

ls $SV/conf 
  • View Results
  • genstrip_parameters.txt  humgen_g1k_v37_ploidy.chr22.map  humgen_g1k_v37_ploidy.map

GotCloud Configuration File

We will use a slightly modified version of configuration file as we used yesterday in GotCloud Align.

See SeqShop: Alignment: GotCloud Configuration File for more details

  • Note we want to limit snpcall to just chr22 so the configuration already has CHRS = 22 (default was 1-22 & X).

For more information on configuration, see: GotCloud snpcall: Configuration File

  • Contains information on how to configure for exome/targeted sequencing

Check out what was changed.

cat $IN/gotcloud.conf
  • View Results
  • IN_DIR = $(GOTCLOUD_ROOT)/../inputs
    INDEX_FILE = $(IN_DIR)/align.index
    FASTQ_PREFIX = $(IN_DIR)/fastq
    OUT_DIR = out
    BAM_INDEX =  $(OUT_DIR)/bam.index
    # References
    REF_DIR = $(GOTCLOUD_ROOT)/../reference/chr22
    AS = NCBI37  # Genome assembly identifier
    REF = $(REF_DIR)/human.g1k.v37.chr22.fa
    DBSNP_VCF =  $(REF_DIR)/dbsnp_135.b37.chr22.vcf.gz
    HM3_VCF = $(REF_DIR)/hapmap_3.3.b37.sites.chr22.vcf.gz
    INDEL_PREFIX = $(REF_DIR)/1kg.pilot_release.merged.indels.sites.hg19
    OMNI_VCF = $(REF_DIR)/1000G_omni2.5.b37.sites.PASS.chr22.vcf.gz
    CHRS = 22
    ######### THUNDER ########
    # Update so it will run faster for the tutorial
    #  * 10 rounds instead of 30 (-r 10)
    #  * without --compact option 
    #  Runs faster, but uses more memory, but not a lot for the small example
    THUNDER = $(BIN_DIR)/thunderVCF -r 10 --phase --dosage --inputPhased $(THUNDER_STATES)
    ## GenomeSTRIP
    GENOMESTRIP_SVTOOLKIT_DIR = $(GOTCLOUD_ROOT)/../reference/svtoolkit
    GENOMESTRIP_MASK_FASTA = $(GENOMESTRIP_SVTOOLKIT_DIR)/ref/human_g1k_v37.chr22.mask.100.fasta
    GENOMESTRIP_PLOIDY_MAP = $(GENOMESTRIP_SVTOOLKIT_DIR)/conf/humgen_g1k_v37_ploidy.chr22.map
    GENOMESTRIP_PARAM = $(GENOMESTRIP_SVTOOLKIT_DIR)/conf/genstrip_parameters.txt

Before starting... a few 'why' questions..

Why use GenomeSTRiP?

  1. GenomeSTRiP is a mature software for detecting and genotyping large deletions (and duplications soon to be implemented). In 1000 Genomes, GenomeSTRiP showed near best performance in most evaluation metrics.
  2. GenomeSTRiP is a great tool to integrate across multiple structural variant calls. When multiple structural variant calls exists, all the other variants can be genotyped and filtered with GenomeSTRiP, and that is how 1000 Genomes structural variant call sets were made.

Why do we use GotCloud/GenomeSTRiP pipeline instead of directly using GenomeSTRiP itself?

  1. The main purpose of GotCloud pipelines is to provide a pipeline for users with limited knowledge and experience with high performance computing environment.
    • Although GenomeSTRiP provides a reasonably straightforward pipeline, it still requires a detailed understanding of GATK framework and the details of parameter.
    • GotCloud aims to provide more simpler way to run these procedure
  1. GotCloud supports a variety of cluster environment that is not currently supported by GenomeSTRiP
    • GenomeSTRiP is designed based on a framework called Qscript, which provide a nice support for LSF cluster system, but it does not support many other cluster enviroments such as MOSIX or SLURM we use locally.
  1. GotCloud also provide a fault-tolerant solution for large-scale jobs.
    • GotCloud automatically picks up jobs from the point where it failed. This allows easier and simpler run against potential technical glitches in the system.

Overview of GotCloud/GenomeSTRiP pipeline

GotCloud/GenomeSTRiP pipeline consists of three separate steps.

  • Preprocess step : Create metadata summarizing the GC profiles, depth distribution, insert size distribution for accurate discovery and genotyping of structural variants.
  • Discovery step : Perform variant discovery split by region, across all samples. Also, perform variant filtering based on expert knowledge.
  • Genotyping step : Iterate discovered variants across the samples and calculate the genotype likelihood of for each possible genotype.

In addition, if one wants to genotype structural variants from other structural variant caller, there is a step available.

  • Third-party Genotyping and Filtering step : Perform genotyping on the variant sites specified by an input VCF, and also perform variant filtering.

Running GotCloud/GenomeSTRiP Metadata Pipeline

We first need to create metadata summarizing genome-wide statistics such as GC profiles, depth distribution, insert size distributions.

In principle, the metadata can be created from the input BAM files by running the following command

time perl $GC/bin/genomestrip.pl -run-metadata --out $OUT/sv --conf $IN/gotcloud.conf --numjobs 2

Wait!!! Do not run this, because it will take ~50 minutes to finish. Instead, let's look what the output would have looked like.

ls $IN/metadata
cpt  depth  depth.dat  gcprofile  gcprofiles.zip  genome_sizes.txt  isd  isd.dist.bin  spans  spans.dat

The directory contains metadata output and other intermediate files produced by "GenomeSTRiP SVProcess" step.

See [[1]] for the details of the Preprocess step.

NOTE: You don't always have to create the metadata on your own. You can in principle use the public metadata generated for 1000G samples, under the assumption that the metadata share similar characteristics to your samples. But if you have enough computing resources, the best practice is to create metadata specifically for your sequence daat.

Running GotCloud/GenomeSTRiP Discovery Pipeline

To discover large deletions from the 62 BAMs we are using for this workshop, you can run the following command

time perl $GC/bin/genomestrip.pl -run-discovery --metadata $IN/metadata --out $OUT/sv --conf $IN/gotcloud.conf --region 22:36000000-37000000 --numjobs 2

This will take ~2 minutes to finish.

Let's see the final outputs produced.

less $OUT/sv/discovery/discovery.vcf

You will see output file that looks like this

  • Show Example

Genomestrip discovery screenshot.png

How many variants are filtered out?

Run the following command to see filtering statistics.

 grep -v ^# $OUT/sv/discovery/discovery.vcf | cut -f 7 | sort | uniq -c

You will see the following output


What does it mean? There is no "PASS filter" variants! This is because the metadata was created from only a small fraction of genome (with very unusual distribution of depth across chr22!). If whole-genome metadata was used, the results will look more reasonable, and you will have some "PASS" variants. Trust me!

What does each filter mean?

Probably the most useful documentation of GenomeSTRiP is the powerpoint presentation available at http://www.broadinstitute.org/software/genomestrip/sites/default/files/materials/GATKWorkshop_GenomeSTRiP_tutorial_Dec2012.pdf

In slide 27, you will see the following description of the filters

Genomestrip filter description.png

Running GotCloud/GenomeSTRiP Genotyping Pipeline

The discovery pipeline only performs discovery of variant sites with filtering. You will need to iterate BAMs again to perform genotyping.

time perl $GC/bin/genomestrip.pl -run-genotype --metadata $IN/metadata --out $OUT/sv --conf $IN/gotcloud.conf --region 22:36000000-37000000 --numjobs 4

This will take ~3 minutes to finish.

You can check the output by running

zless $OUT/sv/genotype/genotype.vcf.gz

You will see output similar to this

You will see the output with genotype information

Genomestrip genotype screenshot.png

Running GotCloud/GenomeSTRiP 3rd-party Site Genotyping/Filtering Pipeline

You can take a 3rd-party site and genotype with GenomeSTRiP. Here we take a 1000 Genomes phase 1 sites and genotype them.

time perl $GC/bin/genomestrip.pl -run-thirdparty --in-vcf $EXT/1kg.phase1.chr22.36Mb.sites.vcf --metadata $IN/metadata --out $OUT/sv --conf $IN/gotcloud.conf --region 22:36000000-37000000 --numjobs 4

This will take ~2 minutes to finish.

You can also check the output by running

zless $OUT/sv/thirdparty/genotype.vcf.gz

You will see the output with genotype information

Genomestrip thirdparty screenshot.png

What does a real SV look like?

samtools tview does not provide a good way to visualize structural variants due to limited resolution to show large-scale variants.

IGV provides a good alternative way to visualize structural variants as shown in the xample below.

Do you understand why this is a likely SV?
