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  evince Results_on_HGDP.pdf &
  evince Results_on_HGDP.pdf &
We expect to see the following figure:
We expect to see the following figure, in which 3 HapMap CEU samples cluster with HGDP Europeans and 3 HapMap YRI samples cluster with HGDP Africans:  
[[File:Results_on_HGDP.png|thumb|center|alt=LASER results|400px|LASER results]]
[[File:Results_on_HGDP.png|thumb|center|alt=LASER results|400px|LASER results]]

Revision as of 18:32, 18 June 2014


See the tutorial slides for an introduction of the LASER analysis workflow, input/output file formats, and usage of the LASER software.

The main purpose of this page is to provide step-by-step command lines for using LASER to estimate ancestry of 6 targeted sequenced samples (2 HapMap trios) in a principal component space generated using genome-wide SNP data from the Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP).

For more details about the options and usage of LASER, please read the manual.

LASER workflow

LASER workflow
LASER workflow

Getting started

Create a working directory:

mkdir ancestry
cd ancestry

Download and decompress software package:

wget http://www.sph.umich.edu/csg/chaolong/LASER/LASER-2.01.tar.gz
tar xzvf LASER-2.01.tar.gz

Set up to access data:

source /home/chaolong/LASER-Tutorial/setup.txt

What is in the setup.txt file:

export GC=/home/mktrost/seqshop/gotcloud
export BAM=/home/chaolong/LASER-Tutorial/BAM
export REF=/home/chaolong/LASER-Tutorial/reference
export HGDP=/home/chaolong/LASER-Tutorial/HGDP

Preparing input files for LASER

Step 0: vcf --> geno

This step prepares the reference panel by converting a VCF genotype file to a GENO file. We will skip this step and use a ready-to-use HGDP reference panel. A typical command to run the vcf2geno tool is given in the file "./LASER-2.01/vcf2geno/cmd.sh":

# ./vcf2geno --inVcf exampleVCF/example.vcf.gz --updateID test.updateId --out test

Step 1: bam --> pileup

This step uses samtools to generate pileup files from bam files. Please only try one sample so that we won't overload the sever with everyone running 6 jobs at the same time. Pileup files for these 6 samples have been prepared for later steps. It takes about 2 mins for each pileup job.

$GC/bin/samtools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -f $REF/hs37d5.fa.rz -l $HGDP/HGDP_938.bed $BAM/121101035.recal.bam > 121101035.recal.pileup &
# $GC/bin/samtools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -f $REF/hs37d5.fa.rz -l $HGDP/HGDP_938.bed $BAM/121101043.recal.bam > 121101043.recal.pileup & 
# $GC/bin/samtools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -f $REF/hs37d5.fa.rz -l $HGDP/HGDP_938.bed $BAM/121101050.recal.bam > 121101050.recal.pileup &
# $GC/bin/samtools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -f $REF/hs37d5.fa.rz -l $HGDP/HGDP_938.bed $BAM/121101052.recal.bam > 121101052.recal.pileup &
# $GC/bin/samtools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -f $REF/hs37d5.fa.rz -l $HGDP/HGDP_938.bed $BAM/121101415.recal.bam > 121101415.recal.pileup &
# $GC/bin/samtools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -f $REF/hs37d5.fa.rz -l $HGDP/HGDP_938.bed $BAM/121101861.recal.bam > 121101861.recal.pileup &

Step 2: pileup --> seq

In this step, we will generate a file called "hapmap_trios.seq", containing the information of 6 samples. It takes about 30 seconds to run. We will use the pre-generated pileup files in the $BAM folder.

python ./LASER-2.01/pileup2seq/pileup2seq.py \
-m $HGDP/HGDP_938.site \
-b $BAM/AMD_roi_1-based.bed \
-i $BAM/AMD_hapmap_trios_id.txt \
-o hapmap_trios \
$BAM/121101035.recal.pileup \
$BAM/121101043.recal.pileup \
$BAM/121101050.recal.pileup \
$BAM/121101052.recal.pileup \
$BAM/121101415.recal.pileup \
$BAM/121101861.recal.pileup &

In the above command, -i specifies alternative IDs for the BAM files to be used in the .seq file (including popID and indivID). -b and -i are optional.

Estimating ancestry coordinates using LASER

Step 0: Generate the reference ancestry space (using the PCA mode of the LASER program)

# ./LASER-2.01/laser -g ./HGDP/HGDP_938.geno -pca 1 -k 30 -o HGDP_938

The above command takes about 15 mins to finish. We will skip this step, and use a set of reference ancestry coordinates that have been generated in the file $HGDP/HGDP_938.RefPC.coord. View the reference coordinates:

less -S $HGDP/HGDP_938.RefPC.coord

Step 1: Place sequenced samples into the reference ancestry space:

./LASER-2.01/laser -g $HGDP/HGDP_938.geno -c $HGDP/HGDP_938.RefPC.coord -s hapmap_trios.seq -K 20 -k 4 -x 1 -y 3 -o hapmap_trios.1-3 &
./LASER-2.01/laser -g $HGDP/HGDP_938.geno -c $HGDP/HGDP_938.RefPC.coord -s hapmap_trios.seq -K 20 -k 4 -x 4 -y 6 -o hapmap_trios.4-6 &

The first job will process samples 1 to 3 and the second job will processed samples 4 to 6. Each sequenced sample will be projected from a 20-dimensional PCA space onto a 4-dimensional reference ancestry space. The running time is ~10 minutes for processing 3 samples in each job.

Step 2: Combine results

Results from previous step will be output to two files "hapmap_trios.1-3.SeqPC.coord" and "hapmap_trios.4-6.SeqPC.coord". Here we simply concatenate the two files while skipping the header line of the second file.

cp hapmap_trios.1-3.SeqPC.coord hapmap_trios.SeqPC.coord
more +2 hapmap_trios.4-6.SeqPC.coord >> hapmap_trios.SeqPC.coord

Step 3: Plot results using R

Example R codes are available in ./LASER-2.01/plot/. Let's first copy the folder to current working directory:

cp -r ./LASER-2.01/plot/ ./

And then we enter the directory and run the script to plot results:

cd ./plot
Rscript plotHGDP.r $HGDP/HGDP_938.RefPC.coord ../hapmap_trios.SeqPC.coord

A figure named "Results_on_HGDP.pdf" will be generated. Visualize the figure:

evince Results_on_HGDP.pdf &

We expect to see the following figure, in which 3 HapMap CEU samples cluster with HGDP Europeans and 3 HapMap YRI samples cluster with HGDP Africans:

LASER results
LASER results