Tutorial: GotCloud UW CMG

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GotCloud / EPACTS Tutorial

In this tutorial, we illustrate some of the essential steps in the analysis of next generation sequence data.

For a background on GotCloud and Sequence Analysis Pipelines, see GotCloud

While GotCloud can run on a cluster of machines or instances, this tutorial is just a small test that just runs on the machine the commands are run on.

This tutorial is a specialized version for UW Center for Mendelian Genomics. For other tutorial, please see Tutorial: GotCloud.

STEP 0 : Login to the cluster

In UW CMG cluster, you need to login to one of the high-performance cluster node via the following way.

% ssh yourid@uwcmg-head.gs.washington.edu
% qlogin
Your job 120 ("QLOGIN") has been submitted
waiting for interactive job to be scheduled …
Your interactive job 120 has been successfully scheduled.
Establishing /usr/local/bin/qlogin_command session to host uwcmg001.gs.washington.edu ...
yourid@uwcmg001.gs.washington.edu's password: 

Step 1 : GotCloud Alignment Pipeline

In order to run this tutorial, you need to make sure you have GotCloud installed on your system.

Try to run the following commands sequentially to follow the instruction

% export GC=/home/presenter02/day2/session1/uwcmg_2013_08/
% ls ${GC}/examples/fastq
SRR035022_1.fastq.gz  SRR035023_1.fastq.gz  SRR035024_1.fastq.gz  SRR035025_1.fastq.gz  SRR035026_1.fastq.gz  SRR035027_1.fastq.gz  SRR035669_1.fastq.gz  SRR622461_1.fastq.gz
SRR035022_2.fastq.gz  SRR035023_2.fastq.gz  SRR035024_2.fastq.gz  SRR035025_2.fastq.gz  SRR035026_2.fastq.gz  SRR035027_2.fastq.gz  SRR035669_2.fastq.gz  SRR622461_2.fastq.gz
SRR035022.fastq.gz    SRR035023.fastq.gz    SRR035024.fastq.gz    SRR035025.fastq.gz    SRR035026.fastq.gz    SRR035027.fastq.gz    SRR035669.fastq.gz    SRR622461.fastq.gz
% ls ${GC}/examples
bams  chr7Ref  fastq  index
% cat ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.fastq.index
NA06984	fastq/SRR035022.fastq.gz	.	SRR035022	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035022_1.fastq.gz	fastq/SRR035022_2.fastq.gz	SRR035022	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035023.fastq.gz	.	SRR035023	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035023_1.fastq.gz	fastq/SRR035023_2.fastq.gz	SRR035023	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035024.fastq.gz	.	SRR035024	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035024_1.fastq.gz	fastq/SRR035024_2.fastq.gz	SRR035024	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035025.fastq.gz	.	SRR035025	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035025_1.fastq.gz	fastq/SRR035025_2.fastq.gz	SRR035025	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035026.fastq.gz	.	SRR035026	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035026_1.fastq.gz	fastq/SRR035026_2.fastq.gz	SRR035026	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035027.fastq.gz	.	SRR035027	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035027_1.fastq.gz	fastq/SRR035027_2.fastq.gz	SRR035027	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035669.fastq.gz	.	SRR035669	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA06984	fastq/SRR035669_1.fastq.gz	fastq/SRR035669_2.fastq.gz	SRR035669	NA06984	Solexa-16556	BI	ILLUMINA
NA12878	fastq/SRR622461.fastq.gz	.	SRR622461	NA12878	Illumina_NA12878	ILLUMINA	ILLUMINA
NA12878	fastq/SRR622461_1.fastq.gz	fastq/SRR622461_2.fastq.gz	SRR622461	NA12878	Illumina_NA12878	ILLUMINA	ILLUMINA
% cat ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.align.conf
INDEX_FILE = index/chr7.CFTR.fastq.index
# References
REF_DIR = chr7Ref
REF = $(REF_DIR)/hs37d5.chr7.fa
DBSNP_VCF =  $(REF_DIR)/dbsnp_135.b37.chr7.CFTR.vcf.gz
HM3_VCF = $(REF_DIR)/hapmap_3.3.b37.sites.chr7.CFTR.vcf.gz
% mkdir test
% cd test

Then, run the alignment pipeline through the following command

% ${GC}/gotcloud/gotcloud align --conf ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.align.conf --outDir align --baseprefix ${GC}/examples
Retrieved 168 bytes.
Random chance is 54  (compared to 30)
File sizes of 32 FASTQ input files referenced in '/home/presenter02/day2/session1/uwcmg_2013_08/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.fastq.index' = 6849341.4
Size of BAMs from aligner will be about 0.01 GB
Intermediate files from snpcaller will be about 0.01 GB
Final VCF output from snpcaller will be about 0.00 GB
Be sure you have enough space to hold all this data
Created /home/presenter02/test/align/Makefiles/align_NA06984.Makefile
Created /home/presenter02/test/align/Makefiles/align_NA12878.Makefile
Waiting while samples are processed...
Processing finished in 42 secs with no errors reported

Examine the QC metrics by

% ls align/bams
NA06984.recal.bam      NA06984.recal.bam.bai.done  NA06984.recal.bam.metrics  NA12878.recal.bam      NA12878.recal.bam.bai.done  NA12878.recal.bam.metrics
NA06984.recal.bam.bai  NA06984.recal.bam.done      NA06984.recal.bam.qemp     NA12878.recal.bam.bai  NA12878.recal.bam.done      NA12878.recal.bam.qemp

% ls align/QCFiles
NA06984.genoCheck.depthRG  NA06984.genoCheck.selfRG  NA06984.qplot.R            NA12878.genoCheck.depthSM  NA12878.genoCheck.selfSM  NA12878.qplot.stats
NA06984.genoCheck.depthSM  NA06984.genoCheck.selfSM  NA06984.qplot.stats        NA12878.genoCheck.done     NA12878.qplot.done
NA06984.genoCheck.done     NA06984.qplot.done        NA12878.genoCheck.depthRG  NA12878.genoCheck.selfRG   NA12878.qplot.R
% cat align/QCFiles/NA06984.qplot.stats
Stats\BAM	/home/presenter02/test2/align/bams/NA06984.recal.bam
TotalReads(e6)	0.06
MappingRate(%)	97.44
MapRate_MQpass(%)	97.44
TargetMapping(%)	0.00
ZeroMapQual(%)	0.56
MapQual<10(%)	0.70
PairedReads(%)	98.27
ProperPaired(%)	92.83
MappedBases(e9)	0.00
Q20Bases(e9)	0.00
Q20BasesPct(%)	95.27
MeanDepth	7.33
GenomeCover(%)	0.33
EPS_MSE	293.97
EPS_Cycle_Mean	25.06
GCBiasMSE	0.00
ISize_mode	335
ISize_medium	331
DupRate(%)	2.05
QCFailRate(%)	0.00
BaseComp_A(%)	31.8
BaseComp_C(%)	18.4
BaseComp_G(%)	18.1
BaseComp_T(%)	31.6
BaseComp_O(%)	0.0
% cat align/QCFiles/NA06984.genoCheck.selfSM
NA06984	ALL	NA	175	1038	5.93	0.00841	351.80	351.85	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA

STEP 3 : Run GotCloud SNP Calling Pipeline

The next step is to analyze BAM files by calling SNPs and generating a VCF file containing the variant calls.

The variant calling pipeline has multiple built-in steps to generate BAMs:

  1. Filter out reads with low mapping quality
  2. Per Base Alignment Quality Adjustment (BAQ)
  3. Resolve overlapping paired end reads
  4. Generate genotype likelihood files
  5. Perform variant calling
  6. Extract features from variant sites
  7. Perform variant filtering

To speed variant calling, each chromosome is broken up into smaller regions which are processed separately. While initially split by sample, the per sample data gets merged and is processed together for each region. These regions are later merged to result in a single Variant Call File (VCF) per chromosome.

% ls ${GC}/examples/bams
% cat ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.low_coverage.index
% cat ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.low_coverage.conf
% time ${GC}/gotcloud/gotcloud snpcall --conf ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.low_coverage.conf --outDir snps --baseprefix ${GC}/examples --region 7:117000000-117500000 --numjobs 2
% cat ${GC}/out/snps/vcfs/chr7/chr7.filtered.sites.vcf.summary
% time ${GC}/gotcloud/gotcloud beagle --conf ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.low_coverage.conf --outDir snps --baseprefix ${GC}/examples --region 7:117000000-117500000 --numjobs 2
% samtools tview ${GC}/examples/bams/NA12843.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.low_coverage.20130415.CFTR.bam ${GC}/examples/chr7Ref/hs37d5.chr7.fa

STEP 4 : EPACTS association analysis

% head ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.ped 
% mkdir assoc
% time ${GC}/epacts/bin/epacts single  --ped ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.ped   --vcf ${GC}/out/snps/beagle/chr7/chr7.filtered.PASS.beagled.vcf.gz  --pheno PHENO --out assoc/single.b.score --test b.score --anno   --ref ${GC}/examples/chr7Ref/hs37d5.chr7.fa   --region 7:117000000-117500000 --run 1
% time ${GC}/epacts/bin/epacts anno --in ${GC}/out/snps/beagle/chr7/chr7.filtered.PASS.beagled.vcf.gz --out snps/chr7.filtered.PASS.beagled.anno.vcf.gz --ref ${GC}examples/chr7Ref/hs37d5.chr7.fa
% zcat snps/chr7.filtered.PASS.beagled.anno.vcf.gz | grep Nonsynonymous | grep CFTR | cut -f 1-8 | head -1
% ${GC}/epacts/bin/epacts make-group --vcf snps/chr7.filtered.PASS.beagled.anno.vcf.gz --out snps/chr7.filtered.PASS.beagled.anno.grp –nonsyn
% ${GC}/epacts/bin/epacts group --ped ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.ped --vcf snps/chr7.filtered.PASS.beagled.anno.vcf.gz --out assoc/group.skat.o --groupf snps/chr7.filtered.PASS.beagled.anno.grp --test skat --skat-o --run 2
% cat assoc/group.skat.o.epacts 
% ${GC}/epacts/bin/epacts group --ped ${GC}/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.ped --vcf snps/

STEP 5 : All-in-one running of all scripts (for later use)

% tar xzvf /home/presenter02/day2/session1/uwcmg_2013_08.tar.gz�
% cd /home/presenter02/day2/session1/uwcmg_2013_08�
% sh go.sh  �