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In this tutorial, we will show how to run RareMetalWorker and RareMETAL to perform meta analysis using example data sets.

RareMetalWorker is the pre-processing tool to analyze data from individual studies and generate summary statistics for further meta analysis using RareMETAL.

RareMETAL is the tool to do gene-level meta analysis.

STEP 1: Install Software and Download Example Data Sets

 tar xvzf raremetalworker.tutorial.tgz #extract
 cd rmw_tutorial 
 tar xvzf raremetal.tutorial.tgz #extract
 cd raremetal_tutorial

STEP 2: Run RareMetalWorker on Individual Studies

  • The first example has 743 individuals coded as unrelated according to PED file (each person belongs to an individual family).
  • there are ~1000 markers included in the VCF file.
  • To analyze this sample accounting for hidden relatedness, an empirical kinship should be calculated.
  • By using the following command, covariates are adjusted and residuals are inverse normalized on the fly.
 $yourPath/bin/raremetalworker --ped $yourLocalPath/rmw_tutorial/inputfiles/example1.ped --dat $yourLocalPath/rmw_tutorial/inputfiles/example1.dat --vcf  
       $yourLocalPath/rmw_tutorial/inputfiles/example1.vcf.gz --kinGeno --kinSave --traitName LDL --inverseNormal --makeResiduals --useCovariates 
       --prefix $yourLocalPath/rmw_tutorial/outputfiles/example1
  • The second sample can also be analyzed in the same fashion using the following command:
 $yourPath/bin/raremetalworker --ped $yourLocalPath/rmw_tutorial/inputfiles/example2.ped --dat $yourLocalPath/rmw_tutorial/inputfiles/example2.dat --vcf  
       $yourLocalPath/rmw_tutorial/inputfiles/example2.vcf.gz --kinGeno --kinSave --traitName LDL --inverseNormal --makeResiduals --useCovariates 
       --prefix $yourLocalPath/rmw_tutorial/outputfiles/example2
  • After the two runs are finished, you will see the following output files under your current path:
  • The output file ending with singlevar.score.txt includes summary statistics of single marker score tests.
  • The output file ending with singlevar.cov.txt includes summary variance-covariance matrices of score statistics.

STEP 3: Run RareMETAL to do Meta Analysis