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Convert VCF files to genotype file and site file.

Input File

Vcf2geno takes VCF files. They can be in plain text or GZIP/BGZIP compressed formats.


Vcf2geno generates two sets of first: prefix.geno and where prefix is the given parameter to --out.

A .geno file is shown below:

X1  X1  0   -9  0   0   0   2   2   2   2   2   2
X2  X2  -9  -9  0   0   0   2   2   2   2   2   2
X3  X3  0   -9  0   0   0   2   2   2   2   2   2
X4  X4  0   -9  0   0   0   2   2   2   2   2   2
X5  X5  0   -9  0   0   0   2   2   1   2   2   2
X6  X6  0   -9  0   0   0   2   2   2   2   2   -9

The first and second columns are sample IDs copied from the header of VCF files. From column 3 till the last the column, they are individual level genotype converted from VCF files.

A .site file is shwon below:

1   10  1:10    A   T
1   20  1:20    G   C
1   30  1:30    C   A
1   40  1:40    A   C
1   10000   1:10000 G   C
1   20000   1:20000 T   A
4   5000    4:5000  A   T
4   6000    4:6000  C   T
X   800 X:800   A   C
X   900 X:900   A   T
X   1000    X:1000  T   G

The content of .site file begins with a header line, and thus the content part from the second line is chromosome, positions, reference alleles and alternative alleles.


Vcf2geno provides samplexs selection options and range selection options.

There are four options to include/exclude samples: --peopleIncludeID, --peopleExcludeID: specify which samples are included/excluded in conversion, e.g. --peopleIncludeID X1,X2,X3 will convert only 3 people during conversion if input VCF file contains these three samples. --peopleIncludeFile, --peopleExcludeFile: speicify a file to include/exclude samples. Each line of the file should be a sample ID.

There are two options to specify regions. You can convert part of the VCF file using this option, however, your input file must be indexed by TABIX. --rangeList: this options enable you to speicify a range by hand. e.g. --rangeList 1:100-200. Note your chromosome name in the command line should be consistent to the content of the VCF file (e.g. both do not have 'chr' prefix). --rangeFile: this optinos speicify range by a given file. Each line of the file should specify a range, e.g. '1:100-200' or alternatively three columns '1 100 200'.


Under the "exampleVCF" folder, you can file example.vcf.gz. This is an indexed VCF file. Basica usage of extracting all samples across all regions:

../vcf2geno --inVcf example.vcf.gz --out test

Convert sample X1 from range 1:20-30: ../vcf2geno --inVcf example.vcf.gz --rangeList 1:20-30 --peopleIncludeID X1 --out test