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     -o  defines the out file which and has the STDOUT set as the default.
     -o  defines the out file which and has the STDOUT set as the default.
         You may modify the STDOUT to output the binary version of the format.
         You may modify the STDOUT to output the binary version of the format.
== Uncompressed BCF streams ==
  htslib is designed with BCF as the underlying data structure  and it has incorporated
  awareness of uncompressed BCF streams in the i/o API.  One may use this feature to
  stream uncompressed BCF records to save on computational time.
  #using textual VCF streams indicated by -
  cat mills.vcf | vt normalize - -r hs37d5.fa | vt mergedups - -o out.bcf
  #using uncompressed BCF streams indicated by +
  cat mills.vcf | vt normalize - -r hs37d5.fa -o +  | vt mergedups + -o out.bcf
  In this example, the former took 0.84s while the latter took 0.64s to process. (24% speed up!)
== Alternate headers ==
== Alternate headers ==

Revision as of 15:38, 2 January 2014


vt is a variant tool set that discovers short variants from Next Generation Sequencing data. The features are being rolled out to github as major rewriting is being undertaken.


The source files are housed in github. htslib is used and a copy of a developmental freeze is stored as part of the vt repository to ensure compatibility.

To install, perform the following steps:

 #this will create a directory named vt in the directory you cloned the repository
 1. git clone https://github.com/atks/vt.git 

 #change directory to vt
 2. cd vt

 #run make, note that compilers need to support the c++0x standard
 3. make

Building has been tested on Linux and Mac systems on gcc 4.3 and above and clang 3.4.

Common options

   -i   multiple intervals in <seq>:<start>-<end> format delimited by commas.
   -I   multiple intervals in <seq>:<start>-<end> format listed in a text file line by line.
   -o   defines the out file which and has the STDOUT set as the default.
        You may modify the STDOUT to output the binary version of the format.

Uncompressed BCF streams

 htslib is designed with BCF as the underlying data structure  and it has incorporated 
 awareness of uncompressed BCF streams in the i/o API.  One may use this feature to 
 stream uncompressed BCF records to save on computational time.
 #using textual VCF streams indicated by -
 cat mills.vcf | vt normalize - -r hs37d5.fa | vt mergedups - -o out.bcf
 #using uncompressed BCF streams indicated by +
 cat mills.vcf | vt normalize - -r hs37d5.fa -o +  | vt mergedups + -o out.bcf
 In this example, the former took 0.84s while the latter took 0.64s to process. (24% speed up!)

Alternate headers

 As BCF is a restrictive format of VCF where all meta data must be present in the header, 
 vt provides a mechanism to read an alternative header for VCF files that do not have a 
 complete header.  Simply provide a header file stub named as <vcf-file>.hdr and vt
 will automatically read it instead of the original header in <vcf-file>.

VCF Manipulation


Views a VCF or VCF.GZ or BCF file.

  #views mills.bcf and outputs to standard out
  vt view mills.bcf 
  #views mills.bcf and locally sorts it in a 10000bp window and outputs to out.bcf
  vt view -w 10000 mills.bcf 
 usage : vt view [options] <in.vcf>
 options : -o  output VCF/VCF.GZ/BCF file [-]
           -w  local sorting window size [0]
           -p  print options and summary []
           -I  file containing list of intervals []
           -i  intervals []


Indexes a VCF.GZ or BCF file.

  #indexes mills.bcf
  vt index mills.bcf 
 usage : vt index [options] <in.vcf>
 options : -p  print options and summary []
           --  ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag
           -h  displays help


Local sorting can be done using view setting the -w option to a non 0 value.


Normalize variants in a VCF file.

Normalized variants may have their positions changed; in such cases, the normalized variants are reordered and output in an ordered fashion. The local reordering takes place over a window of 10000 base pairs.

  #normalize variants and write out to mills.normalized.vcf
  vt normalize mills.vcf -r seq.fa -o mills.normalized.vcf
  #normalize variants, send to standard out and remove duplicates.
  vt normalize mills.vcf -r seq.fa | vt merge_duplicate_variants - -o mills.normalized.merged.vcf
  usage : vt normalize [options] <in.vcf>
  options : -o  output VCF file [-]
            -I  file containing list of intervals []
            -i  intervals []
            -r  reference sequence fasta file []
            --  ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag
            -h  displays help

Merge duplicate variants

Merges duplicate variants by position with the option of considering alleles. (This just discards the duplicate variant that appears later in the VCF file)

  #merge duplicate variants and save output in mills.merged.vcf
  vt mergedups mills.vcf -o mills.merged.vcf
  usage : vt mergedups [options] <in.vcf>
  options : -o  output VCF file [-]
            -p  merge by position [false]


Summarizes the variants in a VCF file

  #merge duplicate variants and save output in mills.merged.vcf
  vt view mills.vcf
 usage : vt peek [options] <in.vcf>
 options : -o  output VCF file [-]
           -I  file containing list of intervals []
           -i  intervals []
           -r  reference sequence fasta file []
           --  ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag
           -h  displays help

Variant Calling


Discovers variants from reads in a BAM file.

  #discover variants from NA12878.bam and write to stdout
  vt discover -b NA12878.bam -s NA12878 -r hs37d5.fa -i 20 -v snps,indels,mnps
 usage : vt discover [options] 
 options : -b  input BAM file
           -v  variant types [snps,mnps,indels]
           -f  fractional evidence cutoff for candidate allele [0.1]
           -e  evidence count cutoff for candidate allele [2]
           -q  base quality cutoff for bases [13]
           -m  MAPQ cutoff for alignments [20]
           -s  sample ID
           -r  reference sequence fasta file []
           -o  output VCF file [-]
           -I  file containing list of intervals []
           -i  intervals []
           --  ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag
           -h  displays help

Merge candidate variants

Merge candidate variants across samples. Each VCF file is required to have the FORMAT flags E and N and should have exactly one sample.

  #merge candidate variants from VCFs in candidate.txt and output in candidate.sites.vcf
  vt merge_candidate_variants candidates.txt -o candidate.sites.vcf
 usage : vt merge_candidate_variants [options] 
 options : -L  file containing list of input VCF files
           -o  output VCF file [-]
           -I  file containing list of intervals []
           -i  intervals
           --  ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag
           -h  displays help

Construct Probes

Construct probes for genotyping a variant.

  #construct probes from candidate.sites.bcf and output to standard out
  vt construct_probes candidates.sites.bcf -r ref.fa
 usage : vt construct_probes [options] <in.vcf>
 options : -o  output VCF file [-]
           -f  minimum flank length [20]
           -r  reference sequence fasta file []
           -I  file containing list of intervals []
           -i  intervals []
           --  ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag
           -h  displays help


Genotypes variants for each sample.

  #genotypes variants found in candidate.sites.vcf from sample.bam
  vt genotype -r seq.fa -b sample.bam -i candidates.sites.vcf -o sample.sites.vcf
 usage : vt genotype [options] 
 options : -r  reference sequence fasta file []
           -s  sample ID []
           -o  output VCF file [-]
           -b  input BAM file []
           -i  input candidate VCF file []
           --  ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag
           -h  displays help

Resource Bundle


Maintained by

This page is maintained by Adrian