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917 bytes added ,  14:42, 29 October 2010
Created page with '== Trim BAM == The <code>trimBam</code> program is released as part of the StatGen Library & Tools download. <code>trimBam</code> trims the end of reads in a SAM/BAM file, chang…'
== Trim BAM ==
The <code>trimBam</code> program is released as part of the StatGen Library & Tools download.

<code>trimBam</code> trims the end of reads in a SAM/BAM file, changing read ends to ‘N’ and quality to ‘!’.

=== Parameters ===
Required Parameters:
inFile : the SAM/BAM file to be read
outFile : the SAM/BAM file to be written
num-bases-to-trim-on-each-side : the number of bases/qualities to trim from each side

=== Usage ===
trimBam [inFile] [outFile] [num-bases-to-trim-on-each-side]

=== Return Value ===
Returns the SamStatus for the reads/writes. 0 on success.

=== Example Output ===
Arguments in effect:
Input file : testFiles/testSam.sam
Output file : results/trimSam.sam
#TrimBases : 2

Number of records read = 10
Number of records written = 10

[[Category:StatGen Download]]
[[Category:BAM Software]]

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