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= Git FAQs =
For more information on how to use git, see: [[How To Use Git]]
== Learn how a specific command works ==
! Command
! Example
| git help <command>
| git help clone
| man git-<command>
| man git-clone
| git-<command> -h
| git-clone -h
== Turn an already existing directory into a Git Repository ==
== Turn an already existing directory into a Git Repository ==
   Line 33: Line 53:     
You can now operate as if you had cloned from bareRepoName.
You can now operate as if you had cloned from bareRepoName.
== Use a Previously Setup Repository ==
Clone it:
  git clone <repository to be cloned> [optional new directory name]
== Update files ==
* Edit a file.
* When done editing, [[#Commit/Store Changes|commit the changes]]
== Unmodify files ==
Instructions are also given in <code>git status</code>
* <code>git checkout -- ''fileName''</code>
== Identify non-committed changes ==
* Using Command-Line (2 ways)
** git status - list changed/removed/staged files
** git diff - lists the differences
* Using git-gui
** They are listed under Unstaged Changes
== Stage files/changes prior to committing them ==
* Using Command-Line (multiple ways)
** git add <file1> <file2> (adds specified files)
** git add .  (adds all files)
*** first do a <code>git status</code> to see what files will be staged
**** after, do a <code>git status</code> to verify you want those files staged
* Using git-gui (multiple ways): Should see files move from Unstaged to Staged
** Click on the file icons in the Unstaged Changes window
** 2 Step process
**#Select the files to be staged in the Unstaged Changes Window;
**#Commit->Stage To Commit
== Unstage files ==
Instructions are also given in <code>git status</code>
* <code>git reset HEAD ''filename1 filename2''</code>
== Commit/Store Changes ==
Files are already staged:
* To see staged files use:
** git diff --cached
* Using Command-Line
** git commit -m "your commit message"
*** if you do not specify -m, it will open up your default editor for you to enter the message, enter it, save, and exit
* Using git-gui
** Press the "Commit" button
Files are not already staged (2 ways):
* git commit -a -m "your commit message"
** Always do a git status first - all modified files will be committed.
* git add (adds to the index/stage); git commit -m "your commit message"
== Bringing in (Pulling) changes from source repository (the one you cloned from) ==
*In your local/working repository:
** git pull
** Resolve any unresolved merges & commit those resolutions.
== Ignore files that you don't want to show up in <code>git status</code> ==
Setup git to ignore files with certain names, extensions, etc
If all users of the repository will want to ignore the files:
* Create/update a .gitignore file containing the files you want to ignore (use #'s as comments), for example:
# Ignore editor created temp files
# ignore object files.
If the ignored files are specific for just you, add your ignores file (formatted like the .gitignore):
*git config core.excludesfile ~/git/config/ignoreFiles
== Check Branches ==
*See what branches there are:
** git branch
** Current branch marked with '*'
== Create New Branch ==
First change to the branch (could be master, the default branch) you want your branch to start from.
* 2 ways to create a new branch and switch to it:
** Create branch, then switch to it (default starting point is the same as the current branch):
**# Create the branch
**#* git branch <branch-name> [<start-point(branch/tag)>]
**# Switch to a Specified Branch
**#* git checkout <branch-name>
** Create and switch to the branch in one step
**# Create and switch to (checkout) a branch
**#* git checkout -b <branch-name> <start-point>
* See Your Branches - current one is marked with a "*"
** git branch
* If you switch to the branch in one window, it switches it in all
* Beware of switching branches when you have non-committed files.
** Until you commit the files, they will be in all branches.
** If a branch has a different head than your current branch for the non-committed files, the branch change fails.
== Merging Changes ==
* Checkout the branch you want to merge into
** git checkout branchMergeInto
** Often: git checkout master
* Merge the other branch into it
** git merge branchMergingFrom
* Resolve and commit any merge conflicts.
* To Undo a merge before committing:
** git reset --hard HEAD
Note: ”Fast forward” - no divergent work, just moves the pointer to
the latest commit on the other branch
== Delete a Branch ==
Delete branch after merging & you are done with it
* git branch -d branchName
* Make sure you have merged first!
* Delete remote branch:
* git push origin :branchName
== Share a Branch by pushing to the Remote ==
* git push origin ''branchName''
== Work on a branch that exists on the remote ==
*To see all branches including remotes:
** git branch -a
* Base work on a remote branch/merge back to it
** git checkout --track origin/''branchName''
** Creates & checkouts branch called ''branchName''
* Now push & pull from your ''branchName''
== Resolve a merge/pull conflict ==
* Make appropriate changes
* Delete the <<<<<<<, =======, and >>>>>>>
* Add to the staged files
** git add nowMergedFile
* Commit the merge
** git commit
** Update the default merge message with a description of how you
resolved the merge
* You can also use a mergetool: git mergetool
== Create a tag ==
Tags can be used when releasing, if you want to mark that version so you can
go back to it
* git tag -a tagName -m 'tag description'
* Example:
git tag -a v1.1 -m 'version 1.1 contains the first version
== See what tags there are ==
* git tag
* git tag -l v1.1.*
== Get info on a tag==
* git show ''tagName''
== Push Tag to remote ==
* Not automatically pushed to the remote
* git push origin ''tagName''

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