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== Lecture 2 ==
== Lecture 2 ==
The slides describing the notes below are available [[Media:Stom practice 02.pdf | here (PDF)]]
Please see [[Tutorial:_EMMAX_GotCloud_STOM:_Lecture_2]]
=== Basic Setup ===
== Lecture 5 ==
* To see the files for the session, type
Please see [[Tutorial:_EMMAX_GotCloud_STOM:_Lecture_5]]
ls /data/stom2014/session2/
If you see any errors, please let me know now!
* For convenience, let’s set some variables
== Lecture 6 ==
export S2=/data/stom2014/session2
mkdir ~/out
=== Naive Association Test ===
Please see [[Tutorial:_EMMAX_GotCloud_STOM:_Lecture_6]]
* Run naive association test using PLINK
$S2/bin/plink --noweb --bfile $S2/data/ --pheno $S2/data/1000G_EUR_20_1459060.phe --linear --out ~/out/naive
* Check your output file and see what it looks like
less ~/out/naive.assoc.linear
* Check the p-value at the causal variant
grep -w ADD ~/out/naive.assoc.linear | grep 20:1459060
* Draw QQ plot using the following R commands
> source('/data/stom2014/session2/r/qqconf.r')
> T <- read.table('~/out/naive.assoc.linear',header=TRUE)
> pdf('~/out/naive.pdf')
> qq.conf.beta(T$P)
=== Genomic Control ===
* Add --adjust option to enable genomic control
$S2/bin/plink --noweb --bfile $S2/data/ --pheno $S2/data/1000G_EUR_20_1459060.phe --linear --adjust --out ~/out/naive
* Calculate inflation factor on your own
> T <- read.table('~/out/naive.assoc.linear',header=TRUE)
** First, find the median p-value
> median(T$P)
> 0.4814
** Convert p-value into chi-square using R, and compute lambda
> qchisq(0.4814,1,lower.tail=FALSE)
[1] 0,4956901
> 0.4958032/0.456
[1] 1.08704
* Check out the custom script to calculate inflation factor
less $S2/r/calc.GC.lambda.r
** Feed the p-values from association results
cut -c 96- ~/out/naive.assoc.linear | Rscript $S2/r/calc.GC.lambda.r
=== Principal Component Analysis ===
* Convert PLINK format file to EMMAX-compatible format to obtain PCs
$S2/bin/plink --noweb --bfile $S2/data/ --recode12 --output-missing-genotype 0 --transpose --out ~/out/
* Create kinship matrix using EMMAX
$S2/bin/emmax-kin-intel64 -T 1 -M 0.2 -v -d 10 ~/out/
less ~/out/
* Calculate principal component using custom script
Rscript $S2/r/calc.PC.from.kinf.r ~/out/ ~/out/ ~/out/
* Check out how the PCA outcome looks like
less ~/out/
* Visualize the population structure using PCs with custom script
Rscript $S2/r/plot_pc_pop.r ~/out/ $S2/data/ ~/out/
* Use PCs as covariates to adjust for PCs
$S2/bin/plink --noweb --bfile $S2/data/ --pheno $S2/data/1000G_EUR_20_1459060.phe --covar ~/out/ --covar-number 1,2,3,4 --linear --adjust --out ~/out/pca
* Check out the p-value at the causal variant and inflation of statistics
grep -w ADD ~/out/pca.assoc.linear | grep 20:1459060
grep -w ADD ~/out/pca.assoc.linear | cut -c 96- | Rscript $S2/r/calc.GC.lambda.r
=== Mixed Model Association ===
* Run EMMAX association
$S2/bin/emmax-intel64 -t ~/out/ -o ~/out/emmax -p $S2/data/1000G_EUR_20_1459060.phe -k ~/out/
* Check the inflation factor
cut -f 4 ~out/ | Rscript $S2/r/calc.GC.lambda.r
[1] 1.006079
* Draw and compare multiple QQ plots using the R function provided
> source('/data/stom2014/session2/r/qqconf.r')
> T1 <- read.table('~/out/naive.assoc.linear',header=TRUE)
> T2 <- read.table('~/out/pca.assoc.linear',header=TRUE)
> T3 <- read.table('~/out/')
> pdf('~/out/all.pdf')
> qq.conf.beta(T1$P)
> qq.conf.beta(T2$P,drawaxis=FALSE,ptcolor="blue")
> qq.conf.beta(T3$V4,drawaxis=FALSE,ptcolor="red")

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