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NOTE: both getNextHeaderRecord and getNextHeaderLine increment the same iterator.
NOTE: both getNextHeaderRecord and getNextHeaderLine increment the same iterator.
| <code>const char* SamFileHeader::getNextHeaderLine()</code>
| <code>bool SamFileHeader::getNextHeaderLine(std::string& headerLine)</code>
| Returns the string version of the next header recordAfter all headers have been retrieved, "" is returned until a reset is called.
| Set the passed in string to the next header lineThe passed in string will be overwritten.  If there are no more header lines or there is an error, false is returned and the passed in string is set to "" until a rest is called. Will also return the comment lines.
Return the comment lines.
NOTE: both getNextHeaderRecord and getNextHeaderLine increment the same iterator.
NOTE: both getNextHeaderRecord and getNextHeaderLine increment the same iterator.

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