Minimac3 Info File

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For versions earlier than 0.1.13 (downloaded before Oct 15, 2015 or from Imputation Server) please see older version of Minimac3 Info page.


Minimac3 is a lower memory and more computationally efficient implementation of minimac2. It is an algorithm for genotypic imputation that works on phased genotypes (say from MaCH) and is designed to handle very large reference panels in a more computationally efficient way with no loss of accuracy.

This wiki page is designed to give users a detailed explanation of the info file outputted by Minimac3.

Info File Descriptors

The available column descriptors for typical Miniamc3 output are as follows:


The SNP identifier for the variant. This is usually in the form of chr:position, but could be the rsid of the variant if the user had selected --rsid during the Minimac3 run (provided the input reference panel as the rsid in the INFO column).

REF(0), ALT(1)

These are the reference and alternate alleles for the variant as imported from the reference panel file (either VCF or M3VCF). The dosage value in the .dose file is the alternate allele dosage and NOT major allele dosage as in earlier versions of minimac. Specifcally, the dosage denotes the probability P(REF,ALT) + 2*P(ALT,ALT).


This is the allele frequency of alternate (ALT) allele in the imputed dosage data.


This is the minor allele frequency of the variant in the imputed dosage data. Comparing the MAF to ALT_Frq would give one the minor allele.




This is the estimated value of the squared correlation between imputed genotypes and true, unobserved genotypes. Since true genotypes are not available, this calculation is based on the idea that poorly imputed genotype counts will shrink towards their expectations based on population allele frequencies alone; specifically   where   is the frequency of the allele being imputed.

Currently, Minimac3 uses the following definition:



This column in an indicator of whether the variant was "Genotyped", "Imputed" or "Genotyped_Only".


This statistic can only be provided for genotyped sites. This is similar to the estimated Rsq above, but the imputed dosages value used to compare are calculated by hiding all known genotypes for the given SNP (called LooDosage).

EmpR, EmpRsq

While the LooRsq statistic completely ignores experimental genotypes, EmpR is calculated by calculating the correlation between the true genotyped values and the imputed dosages that were calculated by hiding all known genotyped for the given SNP (called LooDosage). A negative correlation between imputed and experimental genotypes can indicate allele flips. This statistic also can only be provided for genotyped sites. EmpRsq is the square of this correlation.






Minimac3 is available as an undocumented release version. The source files (and binary executable) are available for download in Source Files and commonly used reference panels in VCF and M3VCF formats are available for download in Reference Panels.

Useful Wiki Pages

There are a few pages in this Wiki that may be useful to for Minimac3 users. Here are links to a few:


In case of any queries and bugs please contact Sayantan Das.