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  ls ~/$SAMPLE/output/vcfs
  ls ~/$SAMPLE/output/vcfs
=== More SNP Analysis ===
==== Environmental Variables ====
If you didn't set the environmental variable, you can set it again
source /net/seqshop-server/home/mktrost/seqshop/setup.txt
export SAMPLE=SampleXX (MAKE SURE TO CHANGE XX to your number or use NA12878 instead)
source /net/seqshop-server/home/mktrost/seqshop/setupSS.txt
In addition, set another environmental variable for locating the binaries for custom analysis
export HK=/net/seqshop-server/home/hmkang/seqshop/bin
==== Annotation / Lookup against dbSNP ====
If you want to add rsIDs to your variant files, you can do this by running the following command
$HK/vcf-add-rsid -vcf $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.vcf.gz --db $HK../data/dbSNP.b138/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz --out $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.rsid.vcf.gz
If you want to run this command across all chromosomes in parallel, you can use the special script run-command-wgs
$HK/run-command-wgs --cmd "$HK/vcf-add-rsid -vcf $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.vcf.gz --db $HK/../data/dbSNP.b138/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz --out $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.rsid.vcf.gz" --numjobs 6
Looking up SNPs by rsID is possible by (for example)
$HK/vcf-lookup-rsid --vcf $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.vcf.gz --sepchr --rs rs17766217
If you want to browse the rsIDs of known GWAS SNPs, you can do this by
cut -f 1,8,22 $HK/../data/gwascatalog/gwascatalog.txt | less
==== Annotating your genome ====
You can annotate your genome using EPACTS software packages. Individual chromosome can be annotated by running.
$EPACTS/bin/epacts anno --in $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.rsid.vcf.gz --out $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.rsid.anno.vcf.gz
Or you can run multiple chromosomes in parallel in one command
$HK/run-command-wgs --cmd "$EPACTS/bin/epacts anno --in $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.rsid.vcf.gz --out $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.rsid.anno.vcf.gz" --numjobs 6
==== Extracting only exonic SNPs ====
If you want to look at the exonic SNPs, you can extract using the following command
$HK/run-command-wgs --cmd "($HK/tabix -H $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.rsid.anno.vcf.gz; zcat $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.rsid.anno.vcf.gz | grep Exon;)| $HK/bgzip -c > $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.rsid.anno.exon.vcf.gz" --numjobs 6
And they can be combined as follows
(zcat $OUT/vcfs/chr1/chr1.filtered.rsid.anno.exon.vcf.gz; zcat $OUT/vcfs/chr[2-9]/chr*.filtered.rsid.anno.exon.vcf.gz $OUT/vcfs/chr??/chr*.filtered.rsid.anno.exon.vcf.gz $OUT/vcfs/chrX/chrX.filtered.rsid.anno.exon.vcf.gz) | $HK/bgzip -c > $OUT/wgs.filtered.rsid.anno.exon.vcf.gz
==== Exonic Variants NOT found by 1000G ====
If you are interested in rare variants that are not identified by 1000G, you can extract them by running
zcat $OUT/wgs.filtered.rsid.anno.exon.vcf.gz | grep "EXTFILTER=NA,NA" | grep -v -w "0/0" | grep -v "less
For example,
zcat $OUT/wgs.filtered.rsid.anno.exon.vcf.gz | grep "EXTFILTER=NA,NA" | grep -v -w "0/0" | perl -lane 'print "$1\t$F[6]" if ( /ANNO=([^;:]+)/)' | sort | uniq -c
will give you the counts of variants, separate by the filtering results
* Q1. How manny novel silent, missense, and nonsense SNPs are found? Is that too few, too small, or just about right?
* Q2. Looking at each functional category, which functional categories has largest fraction of SNPs failed filter? Why do you think it is?
* Q3. Can you exclude the sites that are also in dbSNP, and count how many nonsense variants are left?
If you want to know predicted functional significance of a particular variant, you can search by
$HK/tabix $HK/../data/CADD/whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz [chr]:[pos] | head -3
The phred score at the last column quantifies the degree of functional significance
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