Variant Normalization

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The Variant Call Format (VCF) is a flexible file format specification that allows us to represent many different variant types ranging from SNPs, indels to copy number variations. However, variant representation in VCF is non-unique for variants that have explicitly expressed reference and alternate sequences. A failure to recognize this will frequently result in inaccurate analyses.

On this wiki page, we describe a variant normalization procedure that is well defined for biallelic as well as multiallelic variants. We then provide a formal proof the procedure's correctness.


The normalization of a variant representation in VCF consists of two parts: parsimony and left alignment pertaining to the nature of a variant's length and position respectively.


In the context of variant representation, parsimony means representing a variant in as few nucleotides as possible without reducing the length of any allele to 0. It is a property describing the nature of the length of a variant's alleles and is defined as follows:

  A variant is parsimonious if and only if it is represented in as few nucleotides as possible 
  without an allele of length 0.


  A variant has superfluous nucleotides on its left side if the leftmost nucleotide of each variant is of the same type 
  and the removal of the nucleotide from each allele will not result in an empty allele.

Taking the example below, the Multi Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) is represented superfluously for the first 3 representations and parsimoniously for the 4th representation. When a variant has superfluous nucleotides on the left side, it is defined as not being left parsimonious as there is a need to left trim. The concept is symmetric for right parsimony and trimming. Parsimony applies to Indels too which we shall demonstrate in the left alignment section.

This figure shows multiple representations of a MNP. The left shows 4 possible representations differentiated by color. The right shows the corresponding representation in VCF. The last representation represents the parsimonious representation of the MNP.

Based on the definition of parsimony, it is easy to see that:

  If a variant is non parsimonious, all its alleles must have length greater than 1.

However, the converse is not true.

Left alignment

Left aligning a variant means shifting the start position of that variant to the left till it is no longer possible to do so. It is a concept associated with insertion and deletion variants and describes specifically the nature of a position of a variant as opposed to its length. In order to further differentiate left alignment from simply left padding a variant, the definition is as follows:

   A variant is left aligned if and only if it is no longer possible to shift its position 
   to the left while keeping the length of all its alleles constant.  

The following figure shows examples of an unnormalized short tandem repeat which is a special class of indels. The color of the text is synchronized to the variant that is described in the figure.

  • The representation of variants in a VCF file requires that no alleles in the REF and ALT field are represented with an empty string (empty allele). The red indel has an illegal VCF representation.
  • The green variant is not left aligned as you can prefix an A nucleotide on the left side of the variant's alleles and truncate the C on the right side of the variant's alleles. It is however parsimonious.
  • The orange variant is left aligned but is not right parsimonious.
  • The blue variant is left aligned but not left parsimonious.
  • The maroon variant is left aligned and parsimonious.

This figure shows multiple representations of a CA tandem repeat. The left shows five possible representations differentiated by color. The right shows the corresponding representation in VCF. The last representation represents the left aligned and parsimonious representation of the STR.

When is a variant normalized?

   A variant is normalized if and only if it is parsimonious and left aligned.


In order to detect if a variant is normalized, we first prove the following lemma (1).

   Each allele ends with the same nucleotide if and only if 
   it is not left aligned or not right parsimonious.

For the => direction, we prove the contrapositive :

  • If an indel is left aligned and right parsimonious then each allele does not end with the same type of nucleotide.

We first assume an indel is already left aligned and right parsimonious. Suppose all alleles have a length greater than 1, since the indel is right parsimonious; clearly, each allele do not end with the same type of nucleotide. Now, suppose that there exists an allele of length 1, and that all the alleles end with a particular nucleotide say 'A'. This is still considered right parsimonious as there are no superfluous nucleotides to remove without resulting in an empty allele. It is possible to extend all the alleles one position to the left by copying from a nucleotide on the reference genome, so now we have a superfluous nucleotide on the right side. Trimming off that nucleotide results in a new representation that shifts the indel to the left by one position while retaining the allele lengths of the original representation. This is left aligning the indel and thus there is a contradiction. Therefore each allele cannot end with the same type of nucleotide.

For the <= direction :

  • If an indel is not left aligned or not right parsimonious then each allele ends with the same type of nucleotide.

Suppose a variant is not left aligned, then it must be possible to extend the alleles one nucleotide to the left and remove one nucleotide from the right to ensure that all the alleles remain the same length. Thus each allele must end with the same type of nucleotide for the removal of the rightmost nucleotide to be possible.

Suppose a variant is not right parsimonious, then by definition, the rightmost nucleotide is the same for all alleles which may be removed.


  A variant is normalized if and only if 
      1. it has no superfluous nucleotides on the left side and
      2. each allele does not end with the same type of nucleotide.


A variant is normalized if and only if it is parsimonious and left aligned.
⇒ A variant is normalized if and only if it is left parsimonious and right parsimonious and left aligned. (break up parsimonious definition)
⇒ A variant is normalized if and only if it is has no superfluous nucleotides on the left side and right parsimonious and left aligned. (definition of left parsimony)
⇒ A variant is normalized if and only if it is has no superfluous nucleotides on the left side and each allele does not end with the same type of nucleotide. (lemma 1)


This is implemented in vt.

Algorithm for Normalization

So now that we know how to tell if a variant is normalized, we simply need to manipulate the variant till the rightmost ends of the alleles are not the same, and apply truncation to the superfluous nucleotides on the left side of the variant to obtain a normalized variant. The algorithm to normalize a biallelic or multiallelic variant is as follows:

Lines 1 to 8 performs the left alignment and ensures parsimonious representation on the right side. Lines 9 to 11 ensures parsimonious representation on the left side.


20 May 2014

The following table shows the number of variants normalized for an anonymous data set. This analysis was done on 20 May 2014.

Dataset bcftools gatk vt comments
#normalized - 18794 18849 bcftools's normalization is buggy, variants were truncated despite having differing prefix.
#normalized after bcftools - - - -
#normalized after gatk - 0 57 57 variants from GATK's normalization were left aligned by vt. 6 were biallelic and 51 were multiallelic. Note that 2 variants were changed by GATK but were not completely normalized.
#normalized after vt - 0 0 no variants processed by vt were further normalized.

Commands used are:

  • bcftools norm -f ref.fa in.vcf -O z > out.vcf.gz
  • java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T LeftAlignAndTrimVariants --trimAlleles -R ref.fa --variant in.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz
  • vt normalize -r ref.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz

Versions are:

  • bcftools v0.2.0-rc8-5-g0e06231 (using htslib 0.2.0-rc8-6-gd49dfa6)
  • GATK v3.1-1-g07a4bf8
  • vt normalize v0.5

Issues have been communicated to bcftools and gatk developers on 20 May 2014.

22 May 2014

The following table shows the number of variants normalized for an anonymous data set. This analysis was done on 22 May 2014. bcftools was updated.

Dataset bcftools gatk vt comments
#normalized 18849 18794 18849 bcftools's algorithm is the same as vt now
#normalized after bcftools 0 0 0 no variants processed by bcftools were further normalized.
#normalized after gatk 0 0 57 GATK's algorithm is documented to work only for biallelic simple indels. The 57 variants were either multiallelic or mixed variants (SNP adjacent to indel). 6 biallelic mixed variants that were not left aligned however turned out to be simple indels after left alignment.
#normalized after vt 0 0 0 no variants processed by vt were further normalized.

Commands used are:

  • bcftools norm -f ref.fa in.vcf -O z > out.vcf.gz
  • java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T LeftAlignAndTrimVariants --trimAlleles -R ref.fa --variant in.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz
  • vt normalize -r ref.vcf.gz -o out.vcf.gz

Versions are:

  • bcftools v0.2.0-rc8-5-g0e06231 (using htslib 0.2.0-rc8-6-gd49dfa6) [updated non release development version]
  • GATK v3.1-1-g07a4bf8
  • vt normalize v0.5

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This page is maintained by Adrian.