Git Cheat Sheet

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This page is OBE in preference of the PDF version that is easier to print: File:GitCheatSheet.pdf

Git CheatSheet
Get Help git help command
Clone/Copy Repo
Copy Repo git clone source [destName]
Checking what has Changed
What files changed? git status
What changed in a file? git diff fileName
What changed in a file between commits? git diff commit1 commit2 fileName
Check History Logs git log [fileName]
Saving Changes (2 step process)
1) Stage Changes git add fileName1 fileName2
2) Commit Changes git commit -m “commit message
Undoing Things
Undo staging git reset HEAD fileName
Undo unstaged changes git checkout -- fileName
Working with a Remote
Get the latest updates git pull
Share your Changes git push
1st time pushing branch git push origin branchName
Push to Remote git push origin tagName
See all branches including remotes git branch -a
Base work on a remote branch/merge back to it git checkout --track origin/branchName
Create a tag git tag -a tagName -m "tag description"
List Tags git tag
List tags with certain name git tag -l partialName*
Get info on a tag git show tagName
Push to Remote git push origin tagName
See what branches exist (current marked with *) git branch
Switch branch git checkout branchName
Create & switch to branch (branches from current one) git checkout -b branchName
Merge from another branch to this one git merge branchMergingFrom
See all branches including remotes git branch -a
Base work on a remote branch/merge back to it git checkout --track origin/branchName
1st time pushing branch git push origin branchName
Delete Local Branch git branch -d branchName
Delete Remote Branch git push origin :branchName
Resolving Merge Conflicts
1) Make changes use your favorite text editor
2) Delete <<<<<<<, =======, and >>>>>>> use your favorite text editor
3) Stage the conflict resolution git add nowMergedFile
4) Commit the merge git commit
Create New “Remote” Repo
Create Repo with only the database info (no source) git init --bare --shared myRepoName
Push to Remote for the first time git push origin master