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STOM 2014 Workshop - Practical Sessions 5

== Lecture 5 ==

The slides describing the notes below are available [[Media:Stom practice 05.pdf | here (PDF)]]

=== Basic Setup ===

* To see the files for the session 5(,6, and 8), type

ls /data/stom2014/session5/

If you see any errors, please let me know now!

* For convenience, let’s set some variables
export S5=/data/stom2014/session5

* Also, let's relocate the output directory from the yesterday's class
mv ~/out ~/out_session2

* And create a new output directory
mkdir ~/out

* And check the input files
ls $S5/examples/

=== Preparing Input Files ===

* Index file - See the example index file already prepared for this project

cat $S5/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.fastq.index

* Configuration File - See the example configuration file below.
% cat $S5/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.align.conf�

�INDEX_FILE = index/chr7.CFTR.fastq.index
# References
REF_DIR = chr7Ref
REF = $(REF_DIR)/hs37d5.chr7.fa
DBSNP_VCF = $(REF_DIR)/dbsnp_135.b37.chr7.CFTR.vcf.gz
HM3_VCF = $(REF_DIR)/hapmap_3.3.b37.sites.chr7.CFTR.vcf.gz

Default options should be mostly fine in many other cases. In this example, because it is not genome-wide calling, reference files are modified to be chr7-specific

=== Run GotCloud Alignment Pipeline ===

* Using the prepared input files, align the FASTQ files using the gotcloud alignment pipeline

$S5/gotcloud/gotcloud align �--conf $S5/examples/index/chr7.CFTR.align.conf� --outDir ~/out/align --baseprefix $S5/examples

* Check if the output BAMs and QC metrics are produced

ls ~/out/align/bams�

ls ~/out/align/QCFiles/�

=== Understanding the Output Files ===

* To see the content of BAM file in the format of SAM specification, try

samtools view -h ~/out/align/bams/NA06984.recal.bam | less

* Check the summary QC metrics

cat ~/out/align/QCFiles/NA06984.qplot.stats

* Check whether the sample is contaminated from [[verifyBamID]] output

cat ~/out/align/QCFiles/NA06984.genoCheck.selfSM

cat ~/out/align/QCFiles/NA12878.genoCheck.selfSM

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